Why Hire a Tree Contractor When You Can Do the Job Yourself

DIY Versus. Professional Tree Service

As the popularity of DIY improvements increases, it is important to consider the cost, safety risks, and time spent when it comes to DIY. After adding up all these factors, sometimes it just makes more sense to call in a professional. Today’s post will be about the risks and benefits of DIY tree care over hiring a professional tree contractor.

Safety first

Professional tree contractors are highly skilled and trained to deal with any unsafe situation, that includes being twenty feet or more in the air to safely remove old stumps without causing damage to the property surrounding the tree or themselves.

Some of the dangers to consider when you plan on doing your own DIY tree care include:

  • Insects And animals– Most people simply do not have the right safety equipment and gear that professionals do to protect themselves against the likes of stings and bites. DIY tree care could expose people to aggressive animals who may have made their home in a tree, which leaves them vulnerable when they are at a significant height on a ladder.

  • Equipment injuries– Even if you consider yourself a seasoned DIYer, there are many factors to consider when it comes to using dangerous power tools without first having the proper training. The risks of accidental amputation or other cuts and lacerations from axes, chainsaws, and even pruning shears are frequently overlooked.

  • Falling And being struck– The CDC states these are the two most common accidents that are linked with DIY tree cutting. Which are being struck by a fallen branch or limb or falling off of a ladder, both of which can result in serious injury or, even worse, fatality.

If you would like to make an appointment with a professional tree contractor, please do not hesitate to call General Lawn & Tree Service at (816) 830-2974 now if you live in or around the Independence, MO area.

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